17km trail race – last race of the season

17km Père Noël trail race 

17km pere noel trail race start

17km pere noel trail race start

After only 5 hours sleep it was up and off on our hours journey to our race.

It was a cold start with fog and -2 degrees to contend with, which kind of makes you question your need to actually go out when most people are tucked up in bed on a Sunday morning !

The quaint little village was all geared up for today’s races, with starting and finishing hoops already inflated, large tent for after race refreshments, stage set up for the podium and lots of friendly helpers with flashing Santa hats on.

gathering at the start

gathering at the start

As it was the last race of the season I had decided that I would let Millie, my border collie, run with me, as she does all the training too. Once these races get started I find after several kilometres everyone gets spaced out (well not literally !) and I knew Millie would be fine running with me. However at the start line with 2 races starting at the same time I needed to keep out of the way of everyone as I did not want us to trip up any runners in the mad rush over the first couple of kilometres. So I kept her on her lead for a while, then let her loose. She is very good and stays around, sometimes she paces along behind someone else then stops, waits for me and pops back to my side. I can almost hear her trying to tell me to keep going and hurry up !!

17km trail race

17km trail race

The first 8km part of the race was run with the other race group, which made for a good atmosphere along the tracks, hills and woodland sections. There was an aid station where I am sure I caught sight of things being BBQ’d !! I carry all that I need with me and try not to stop at aid stations if at all possible. So I just took one of my gels during that stretch before heading off down a hill at a rate of knots, well as fast as my little legs will carry me !

After 8km our 17km race peeled off from the 8km finish hoop as we set off on a different part of our race. By now everyone had thinned out somewhat, which made for easier running down the farm tracks and woods. Millie seemed to be attracting quite a bit of attention especially at all the manned crossing points. I think some people thought she was either lagging behind the runner in front of me, or just a dog following everyone running round the course, until I would say to them that she was my pacer and runs faster than me !!

no pain no gain

no pain no gain

Some of the steeper hills had us all slogging up at a steady run but one particular section that we had to loop twice was too steep to do that so I found myself head down just ploughing my way up the hill like a bull in a china shop ! This I find is my best approach and I managed to pass several runners making their way up these steep sections.

Over several road crossings I had the helpers shout out to me “you are second lady” to which I always laugh as they often say that to encourage us females. However by the time the 3rd person had shouted that I was actually beginning to realise they might not be joking!!

I consider myself a mid packer overall (men and women included) I often find myself in the top half dozen of the ladies and always several minutes behind the winning ladies, so to hear that I only had one lady in front of me at the 12km mark was encouraging.

classic French car

classic French car

The track changed after we passed though a small hamlet and it was a tiny lane going up another hill, there were 4 runners straggled out up the hill I just went into power mode and kept plugging away, past 2, past 3 and then when the 4th one saw me he did a double take at me and Millie and said “oh poor me, I have been over taken for the first time by a woman” !!! oh bugger I was thinking I have cooked my goose here and not going to be able keep this up to the finish. I was ahead of him and could hear him breathing close behind as we both burst into a sprint at the final 300m that was around the houses and along a little track to the finish hoop. I was breathing hard pushing it, he was behind me and I knew he was going to push for it, and sure enough the last 15m on the grass he came past me as I tried to sprint on, I laughed and said “c’est pas vrai” as he burst past.

1st Lady !!

1st Lady !!

We were greeted at the finish by our commentator “Father Christmas” as he announced “First lady” !!! Wow I could not believe that. All the other men from my race and the 8km finishers were all gathered at the finish and I have to say I felt a bit overwhelmed and in disbelief !! The guy came up and congratulated me, but I am sure I was just looking a bit blank at this point ! It took a good 15 mins for everything to sink in !!

I actually had felt stronger and stronger as the race had gone on, I had not gone out hard and fast. I actually had a really satisfying race, one of those where you really do feel like you are running totally within yourself.

A brilliant end to a season where I have done more than I ever thought I could possibly do.

I have said it lots of times, but if I can do it anyone can.

Train your hardest and reap the rewards.

17km trail race on the podium

17km trail race on the podium

Happy running everyone

You can follow me on Facebook

4 thoughts on “17km trail race – last race of the season

  1. Fantastic recap, and a great finish – congratulations on first place finish! I will be running my first trail race, 25K in the rugged hills of Bandera, TX, in mid-January; I have no idea what I am getting myself into, but I am excited to find out!

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